Day 2: January 29

Matthew 2:1-12

Matt. 2:2 “We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.”

Matt. 2:4-6 “Where is the Messiah supposed to be born?” “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they said, “for this is what the prophet wrote: ‘And you, O Bethlehem in the land of Judah, are not least among the ruling cities of Judah, for a ruler will come from you who will be the shepherd for my people Israel.'"

The “magi” made a long journey to honor Jesus even though they had little if any knowledge of the Jewish scriptures and the promises of the Messiah. They possessed limited revelation from God, but believed and acted upon what God revealed. They followed God’s warning not to go back to Herod. On the other hand, the Jewish priests who knew the prophesy in their scriptures about the place of the Messiah’s birth did NOT go to honor Jesus.
Jesus birth in Bethlehem was the fulfillment of the OT Prophet Micah (See Micah 5:2)

The fact that God revealed the birth of Jesus to the Magi, who were pagan astrologers, shows us that God’s Messiah and Savior is not just for the Jews but for the whole world.

The fact that Jesus was born in Bethlehem JUST as the prophet predicted gives us reason to trust that Jesus is the Messiah and it reminds us that God is faithful to deliver on his promises.
If the Magi, with the limited knowledge they had, were obedient to God’s word to them, how much more should I be obedient!

Dear Lord, help me now to respond to your word like the Magi did with joy and obedience, rather than doubt and hesitation. Remind me today that being in the presence of Jesus is worth the sacrifice of time and material possessions. Lord, thank you for reminding me that your word is full of prophesies which have already been fulfilled. I will trust that you will continue to fulfill those promises that have not yet come about. If Jesus came just as you promised, he will come again just as you have promised!


Jongseung Park - January 29th, 2024 at 9:57am


We are pilgrims on a journey, much like the wise men who, upon seeing his star, news of the birth of Messiah Jesus, traveled a long distance. Similar to those wise men, we walk the path of faith in this land, listening to the gospel of the true Savior, aiming to offer our worship and lives to Him. Like the scholars who believed and embarked on a faith-filled journey simply upon seeing His star once, we too are journeying in faith.

The purpose of our life journey is to glorify God and delight in Him forever(WSC 1).

Oh Lord, Though this journey ahead may not always be clear, and at times my heart may waver, feeling tempted to give up, grant me the strength to endure this journey with faith. May I live a life offering worthy worship and gifts to you God. Grant specific fruits of faith in my life. Enable me to hear the gospel, live according to its teachings, and practice its principles in my daily life.

Ian McEwen - January 30th, 2024 at 10:00am

The Magi did what we would normally do by going to the existing king and ask about the new king - maybe they thought it was his son that had been born - human logic - Once they were told that the new king was to be born in Bethlehem they set out again following the star - When they found Jesus [who was now a child not baby] they left their gifts and listened to God's direction and did not return to Herod to report. We often seek the advice of the natural human sources first - could be lawyers, doctors, therapists and later ask God what they right path is - sometimes He will say no to the "natural" path and lead us in a different direction which is the best in that situation - We should ask God first and follow His will and we will avoid going down paths that lead to trouble - I wonder what would have happened if they had not gone to Herod first - maybe the slaughter of all those children would have been avoided??





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