Day 47: March 14

Matthew 20: 1-16

Scripture highlight:
13 But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? 14 Take what belongs to you and go. I choose to give to this last worker as I give to you. 15 Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?’ 16 So the last will be first, and the first last.”

⬆️ God, the Lord of Heaven, continuously extends His invitation for His people to enter His kingdom through faith and serve as laborers in His heavenly realm (vv. 1-7).

⬆️ The accounting of God's kingdom differs from that of earthly kingdoms. In God's grace, both the latecomers and the first commers receive equal blessings. The standards of God's justice differ from those of humans (vv. 8-10).

⬇️ People often blame God for being unfair. They compare the grace they receive to what others get and complain (vv 11-12). We think we're better than others, we won't let God change how we see fairness, and we're too stuck on our own idea of what's fair to realize we can't control justice.

⬆️ The blessings of heaven aren't determined by human standards or measures. They're solely given according to God's grace and will (vv. 13-14).

⬆️ God is wholly benevolent and righteous. Jesus’ parable highlights the generosity of God (Vv. 15).

⬆️ All humans ultimately become equal before God (v.16).
➡️  All those invited to God's kingdom receive equal blessings according to God's grace and will. Therefore, we should revere God's grace and will and lead our actions and attitudes with trust and obedience. God's righteousness may differ from our understanding. His justice may operate in ways beyond our comprehension. Therefore, we should not compare or complain about God's grace. Instead, we should accept God's grace with gratitude and humility, not demanding God's blessings based on our own efforts or worth.

God treats everyone fairly, and His mercy and grace flow equally to all humans. Therefore, we should view those around us through God's perspective and treat them without prejudice based on human worth or achievements.

Do I see others from God's perspective? Do I treat others without prejudice based on human worth or accomplishments? What can I do for our society to overcome inequality and discrimination in our community?

Therefore, I will avoid comparing myself to others. I will celebrate the good things in other people's lives. I also will show compassion to others. I will do my best to treat others with kindness and understanding, regardless of their background or actions because everyone is equally deserving of God's grace.

🙏 Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for reminding me that all those invited to Your kingdom receive equal blessings according to Your grace and will. Help me to reverence Your grace and will, and to lead my actions with trust and obedience to Your divine plan. Help me understand that Your righteousness may differ from my own understanding and guide me to refrain from comparing or complaining about Your grace. May I accept Your grace with gratitude and humility, not demanding blessings based on my own efforts or worth.
You treat everyone fairly, and Your mercy and grace flow equally to all humans. Help me to see others through Your perspective, treating them without prejudice based on human worth or achievements.

Lord, I commit to avoiding comparisons with others and celebrating the good things in their lives. I also pledge to show compassion to others, treating them with kindness and understanding regardless of their background or actions.
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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