Day 3: January 30

Matthew 2:13-23

“Get up! Flee to Egypt with the child and his mother,” the angel said. “Stay there until I tell you to return, because Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.

“This fulfilled what the Lord had spoken through the prophet: “I called my Son out of Egypt.”

“Herod’s brutal action fulfilled what God had spoken through the prophet Jeremiah:”

“So the family went and lived in a town called Nazareth. This fulfilled what the prophets had said: “He will be called a Nazarene.”

Matthew continues to prove that Jesus is the Messiah by showing how the details of Jesus life fulfill the OT prophetic promises.

Herod was a truly evil man. He was so fearful and insecure about potentially losing his power to this baby Jesus who had just been born that he ordered all the boys in the city of Bethlehem under the age of two to be killed. This behavior is even more disturbing in light of the fact that Herod was a Jew who should have been longing for the Messiah and should have celebrated his birth. History tells us that Herod was so hungry to stay in power and paranoid that others were trying to usurp his power that he killed close associates and even two of his sons.

Reflecting on the number of OT prophesies fulfilled in the life of Jesus reminded me of the research that has been conducted demonstrating the astronomical mathematical improbability (Impossibility?) that one man could fulfill the Messianic prophesies which were fulfilled by Jesus. (See Evidence that Demands a Verdict Vol. by Josh McDowell)

God’s word is true! There are too many fulfilled prophesies which cannot be explained away.
Herod’s actions remind me that a religious upbringing is no sure antidote to an evil, proud heart. It is possible to learn God’s word and still reject God. Herod reminds me of how seductive and addictive power can be. Any power or authority God grants us in this life must be handled with care and used to serve God and others.
Dear Lord, I praise you for your faithfulness to your promises. Help me to walk humbly with you, My God and to never seek positions of power and authority. Help me to understand that if I have power and authority in this world has been delegated by you and must be used to promote righteousness, honor you, and serve the needs of your people.

1 Comment

Jongseung Park - January 31st, 2024 at 11:40am


Satan attempts to hinder God's plan for the salvation of humanity using Herod, but ⬆️ God, through His people, assures that He will surely fulfill and accomplish His covenant as promised.

⬇️ God's people trust in the words of His promises towards them and obediently follow God's guidance and commands to fulfill those promises in their life.


➡️ I realize that in our life today, there is a coexistence of God's plan and promises for me, along with Satan's attempts to obstruct. However, even amidst difficulties and challenges, God remains faithful to His promises. Today, I understand that the best thing I can do is not just to focus on the problems and obstacles before me but to look to God's Word and pray. I hope for a day filled with unwavering trust in the Lord and obedience, expressing that trust. I need to pray for the ability to manage my fluctuating emotions and thoughts through Scripture and prayer.


🙏 God, even though my life on this earth may not be smooth and living according to Your Word may not be easy, I pray that You grant me the strength not to give up on practicing trust and obedience toward You. Even when I feel like giving up and my heart is deeply discouraged, please give me strength and wisdom so that I believe in Your promise to use me for Your kingdom. Grant me the courage to pick myself up again and live out the given life faithfully.





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