Day 16: February 12

MATTHEW 7: 13-20

vs 13-14 Jesus details the only two paths in life.
vs 15-20 Details condition of those who are blessed and their reward.
The passage opens with a comparison between two paths. The paths are characterized by accessibility, difficulty and popularity. There appear to only be two path options which lead to diametrically opposite destinations. One destination is destruction but the path to it is easy, wide and traveled by many while the other path leads to life and that path is narrow, hard and traveled by few. It appears all are traveling to life or death, there is no alternative.

This section is followed by a warning against false prophets who, as prophets would be thought to be good, but are feigning piety for personal gain without regard for consequences or impact. Using an illustration of healthy and diseased trees, Jesus explains that false prophets can’t produce good fruit and likewise real representatives of God produce good fruit. False prophets’ intention is to deceive and their inward disposition of ‘ravenous wolves’ belies their allegiance to the accuser who, like them, lead man astray from the narrow path of life and submission to God.
This section is in line with warnings throughout scripture to be aware, awake, test the Spirits and as Matt 10:16-18 says, “be wise as serpents but innocent as doves.”  We are like sheep among wolves and according to the text the sheep are few and the wolves are the many appearing to have it easy.

The enemy is the deceiver and while we have a natural inclination to move toward the path of least resistance, that is the path that leads to destruction. Although Christ is our burden bearer, the path is still rough but it’s rewarding, it’s long but life-giving and difficult but ultimately what we desire.

While many won’t listen to sound doctrine and draw to themselves teachers who teach whatever their itching ears want to hear, those who desire life will pay attention to the fruit of those presenting as godly and allow their path to be determined by purpose.
Dear Lord God, allow me to have eyes that see and ears that hear. Allow me to have a super sensitivity to your voice and an even stronger inclination to respond to it. Let me be aware of my own proclivities, affinities and affections that would incline me to move away from your path for my heart. Let my treasures be in heaven and my mind stayed on you.

1 Comment

Ian McEwen - February 13th, 2024 at 5:50am

Every day we have a choice to walk in God's Kingdom or to listen to the many voices that tell us there is a better way - The way of God is clear as was just mentioned in the previous verses - love others and we love ourselves - also we are to Love God with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength - these verses talk about being careful of false prophets - people who tell us what God's will is for our lives and are really looking to satisfy their own evil desires at our expense - look at their fruits and we will know the difference between genuine prophets and false ones - do they love others as themselves - are they putting the interests of others first - I once had to walk away from a such a situation which was very painful but God was able to lead me to a better place for worship with the fellowship of genuine followers - Galatians 5:22-23 lists the fruit of the spirit - that's what we should see in those who tell us they are God's messengers





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